Another international moment for EFIB members in the direction of Urban Water & Soil Bioengineering was the third International Conference of GU, Green Urbanism, of IEREK in Tor Vergata University (Rome, 11-13 December) discussing the importance of Sustainable Development by providing solutions towards zero-waste cities. IEREK is an international institution that is concerned with the exchange of knowledge and enhancing research through organizing and managing conferences and thanks to this appointment a big interest of IEREK in the direction of Bioengineering and Landscape Ecology is starting.

This the will of Chairman of the Conference Prof. Ferdinando Trapani that with the Italian GioiaGibelli (IALE member andkeynote speaker in Rome) got two of the International Awardfor Liveable City.
One of the 10 Session,Sustainable Infrastructure and Mobility, has been coordinated by our Member Gianluigi Pirrera. In this Session, with papers from Mexico, Oman, Egypt, Poland, Saudi Arabia, Italy and Austria,he has presented with other EFIB members, “The necessary integration of green infrastructures in the public transport infrastructure design”showing how we need NBS (Nature Based Solutions) for an Urban Nature in the Green and Blue Infrastructures.
Now EFIB has otheropportunities to new links towards Landscape Ecology in the towns. IEREK in this waysupports our relationships with the other organizations of the ecological restoration, like SER, IFLA and IALE, and towards new countries and new continents. Urban areas, in fact,are very important for us because the first places to restore in ecological ways are the rivers through the towns. We remember in fact George Bernard Shaw’s words: “They call the rushing river violent. But the banks that they compress it, nobody calls them violent”.
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