Decision-making framework to support green-blue infrastructure multifunctionality
Stephan Hörbiger . PHD
Natural areas are able to perform several functions and provide multiple benefits for human well-being. In view of growing pressures on the natural balance due to the increasing use of natural resources and the impacts of climate change, there is an urgent need for instruments and tools that help to better consider ecological services indecision-making processes.
This thesis addresses the operationalisation of the two complementary concepts of green-blue infrastructure (GBI) and nature-based solutions (NbS). Vegetation structures along railways and watercourses were addressed as GBI, for which there is a high demand for ecosystem services (ES) and which are subject to special technical requirements. The periodical survey of vegetation data by means of remote sensing technologies and subsequent data analysis guaranteed the quantification of ES on the one hand and the identification of risk areas on the other. This work provides methodological approaches, for the installation of NbS and for the periodic monitoring and evaluation of the multifunctionality of GBI. This is a fundamental requirement, as these systems develop dynamically and, thus, their functionality also changes over time. Complete text
Wurzeln begreifen – Zusammenhänge verstehen – In der Praxis anwenden
Das Buch gibt einen fundierten Einblick in den aktuellen Stand der Wurzelforschung. Aufbau, Funktionen und Schädigungen der Pflanzenwurzel werden ebenso dargestellt, wie die ökologischen.
- 225 detailreiche, maßstabgetreue Wurzelzeichnungen
- 192 Mikroaufnahmen und Makrobilder
- Umfangreiche Kapitel über Methoden und praktische Anwendung der Wurzelforschung in der Landwirtschaft, der Bodennutzung und der Ingenieurbiologie
ISBN 978-3-7690-0855-5
Monika Sobotik /Roland K. Eberwein /Gernot Bodner/Rosemarie Stangl/Willibald Loiskandl 2020, 316 Seiten
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Urban Services to Ecosystems
Green Infrastructure Benefits from the Landscape to the Urban Scale
Catalano C., Andreucci M.B., Guarino R., Bretzel F., Leone M., Pasta S. (eds) Urban Services to Ecosystems. Future City, vol 17. Springer, Cham.
ARTICLE : Soil and Water Bioengineering as Natural-Based Solutions
Paola Sangalli , Joao Paulo Fernandes, G. Tardío
Soil and water bioengineering (SWB) is a discipline that combines technology with biology, making use of native plants and plant communities as construction material for erosion control in degraded environments. The term engineering refers to the use of technical and scientific data for constructive, stabilization and erosion control purposes and “bio” because these functions are related to living organisms, mainly native plants with biotechnical characteristics and with the purpose of restoring ecosystems and increasing biodiversity. In this approach, native plant communities’ potential is a key factor to achieve the overall objectives of planned interventions. SWB work designs involve both the integration of intrinsic adaptive information processes and legitimate design approaches (i.e. engagement of stakeholders into the project and work strategy). SWB encompass nature-based solutions (NBSs) which offer sustainable solutions in order to mitigate and adapt to climate change and effective restoration approaches suitable for degraded situations. Nowadays there is a rising awareness that nature is a very powerful source of viable solutions that use and deploy the properties of natural ecosystems and services. SWB practice is in accordance with the principles of NBSs “inspired and supported by nature”. Nature-based solutions provide sustainable, cost-effective, multipurpose and flexible alternatives for various objectives: technical, ecological, landscape integration and socioeconomics. In this context, SWB techniques offer interesting synergies with urban green and blue infrastructure strategies.