IFLA World Congress 2023

IFLA World Congress 2023

W Bioingineering Project in Isare ( Burundy ) carried out by the University of Florence DIAGRI in collaborationwith EFIB was presented at the International Federation of Landscape held in Nairobi on 28th and 29th December last.

Alessandro Martinelli chaired the session dedicated to Nature Based Systems with the participation of experts from UNHabitat (United Nations Human Settlements Programme), Sareh Moosavi from the University of Brussels (BE), landscape architect expert in urban metabolism.

Burundi’s landscapes are under threat of erosion and the country made a commitment in Paris in 2015 as part of the African Landscape Resilience Initiative as well as the Bonn Challenge targets.

To mitigate hydrogeological risks such as landslides and to protect infrastructure and fields from these types of erosion, the Department of Science and Technology for Agriculture, the Environment and Forestry (DAGRI) at the University of Florence (ITA) in cooperation has been recruited to implement a Bioengineering worksite at Isare.

EFIB has collaborate in the management and technical aspects of this project with DAGRI.

Here the presentation of the project.