What’s EFIB
The European Federation of Soil Bioengineering EFIB is the umbrella organization of European soil bioengineering associations and companies. Currently, EFIB comprises:
- The German Company for Soil Bioengineering (Gesellschaft für Ingenieurbiologie e.V.)
- The Swiss Association for Soil Bioengineering (Verein für Ingenieurbiologie Schweiz)
- The Austrian Federation for Water and Waste Management ÖWAV (Österrreichischer Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaftsverband), Working Group Soil Bioengineering
- The Italian Association for Soil Bioengineering AIPIN (Associazione Italiana per l´Ingegneria Naturalistica)
- The Spanish Association for Soil Bioengineering AEIP (Asociación Española de Ingeniería del Paisaje)
- The Portuguese Association for Soil Bioengineering APENA ( Associação Portuguesa de Engenharia Natural)
- The French Association for Soil Bioengineering AgeBio (Association française de génie biologique)
- The Russian Forestry Association Section MAIKOP
The Federation aims for the development and advancement of soil bioengineering techniques as a technical-biological discipline, dealing with the use of plants for engineering purposes.
A focus lies on the advancement of plants to be used as construction material for stabilization work at river banks, lakes and coasts, for slopes and for gullies; and to reduce and prevent erosion and sliding processes. EFIB further aims for the revitalization of water bodies, the improvement in biodiversity, the integration in the landscape and the enhancement of life quality.
EFIB was founded in 1995 to coordinate and advance the dissemination of knowledge and experience of the member associations and companies.
EFIB specifically engages in following activities:
- The coordination of activities of member associations and companies;
- The cooperation with other specialized organizations, administrations, institutions in and outside Europe;
- The representation of interests and of the discipline in the European Union;
- Ensuring provision of information on the activities of the member associations and companies and other scientific organizations, institutions, academies and others;
- The preparation and development of guidelines and joint working documents;
- The advancement of research, success review and education and training of people working in the discipline;
- Support in the establishment of soil bioengineering associations and companies in other European Member States.
Executive Board
President | Vicepresident |
Paola SANGALLI Asociación Española de Ingeniería del Paisaje Secretaria nacional A.E.I.P. Montesol 24, Apartado de correos 5064, E – 20080 San Sebastián aeip.org.es | Prof. Eva HACKER Gesellschaft für Ingenieurbiologie in Deutschland e. V. Eynattener Strasse 24 F D – 52064 Aachen ingenieurbiologie.com |
Secretariat / Management |
Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Rosemarie STANGL Universität für Bodenkultur Wien, Institut für Ingenieurbiologie und Landschaftsbau Peter Jordan-Straße 8 2A-1190 Wien boku.ac.at |
Other members | |
DI Dr. Michael OBRIEJETAN Universität für Bodenkultur Wien, Institut für Ingenieurbiologie und Landschaftsbau Peter-Jordan-Straße 82 A-1190 Wien Österreich boku.ac.at | Prof. Dr. Yuri I. SUKHORUKIH Maikope Staatliche Technologische Universität Pervomaiskaja Str, 191 RU-385000 Maikop, Republik Adygeja Russland |
Dr. Elena BAZALINA Maikope Staatliche Technologische Universität Pervomaiskaja Str, 191 RU-385000 Maikop, Republik Adygeja Russland | |
Daniel Arizpe CIEF Centro para la Investigación y la Experimentación Forestal (CIEF) AEIP Asociación Española de IngenierÍa del Paisaje aeip.org.es | Carla ANTUNES Universidade do Algarve – Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia Campus de Gambelas 8005 – 139 Faro, Portugal |
Guilermo Tardío AEIP Asociación Española de Ingeniería del Paisaje aeip.org.es | Carlo BIFULCO Universidade de Lisboa – Instituto Superior de Agronomia – Centro Ecologia Aplicada Prof. Baeta Neves Tapada da Ajuda 1349-017 Lisboa, Portugal isa.utl.pt/ceabn/membro/2/53/carlo-bifulco |
Dott. Federico PRETTI UniversitádegliStudi FIRENZE DAGRI : Dipartimento di scienze e tecnologieagrari, alimentari, ambientali e forestali Piazzale delle Cascine, 18 – 50144 Firenze (FI) AIPIN aipin.it | Giovanni DE CESARE President Verein für Ingenieurbiologie PhD, MSc civil engineering EPFL ÈCOLE POLYTECHNIQUE FÈDÈRALE DE LAUSANNE EPFL ENAC IIC LCH CH-1015 Lausanne Schweiz lch.epfl.ch |
Gianluigi Pirrera Biocity Engineering S.r.l. Via Enrico Albanese, 90 -90139 Palermo aipin.it | |
Prof. Dr. Henning GÜNTHER Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft, HTW Dresden Professur Garten- und Landschaftsbau Pillnitzer Platz 2. D-01326 Dresden-Pillnitz | André EVETTE INRAE 2, rue de la Papeterie BP 76 38402 Saint Martin d’Hères Cedex AGEBIO agebio.org |
Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Rolf JOHANNSEN Trichtergasse 4, D-99198 Udestedt | Dipl.-Ing. Klaus PEKLO I.C.E Expertise/AGéBio LD Lasmarios F – 82160 Parisot France |
DI Astrid SUBATZUS Büro für Baumbegutachtung und Landschaftsplanung Lindenstraße 31, D-01983 Dörrwalde |
Controller |
Stefania Soldati Arch. paesaggista HTL FSAP VEREIN für Ingenieurbiologie in der Schweiz c/o OST Ostschweizer Fachhochschule ILF Institut für Landschaft und Freiraum Oberseestrasse 10 CH-8640 Rapperswil |
L.Arch. Peter GEITZ Wegländerstraße 26 D-70563 Stuttgart-Vaihingen |